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854 results

News Editorial, A Prosperous Future

News Editorial, A Prosperous Future

This 1877 West Shore editorial, reprinted from Portland Oregonian, predicts that more immigration into eastern Oregon will result in more agricultural development and an …

Oregon History Project
News Editorial, Indian Treaties

News Editorial, Indian Treaties

The end of the treaty system in 1871 marked an important shift in the United States’ policy towards Indians. Since its founding the U.S. had negotiated …

Oregon History Project
News Editorial, Nets vs. Development

News Editorial, Nets vs. Development

The 1935 Curry County Reporter editorial reproduced here marks the final chapter in the conflict between commercial and recreational salmon fishing interests on the Rogue …

Oregon History Project
News Editorial, Other Side of Basin Argument

News Editorial, Other Side of Basin Argument

The Oregon Journal published this William L. Finley (1876 – 1953) letter, titled “Other Side of Basin Argument,” on December 26, 1940.  Finley wrote this …

Oregon History Project
News Editorial, School Matters Again

News Editorial, School Matters Again

This editorial by Oregonian editor Harvey W. Scott appeared in the newspaper on February 16, 1880. In it, he criticized the public school system in …

Oregon History Project
News Editorial, The Filipinos and the War

News Editorial, The Filipinos and the War

This editorial appeared in the Oregonian on March 2, 1899. Titled “The Filipinos and the War,” it argues that one of the best ways to …

Oregon History Project
Nez Perce/Cayuse Cradleboards

Nez Perce/Cayuse Cradleboards

This photograph of Maynard White Owl Lavadour beading a cradleboard was taken by Eliza Buck in 1994. At that time, Lavadour was teaching Marlene Lavadour, …

Oregon History Project
Night View of the Lewis and Clark Fair

Night View of the Lewis and Clark Fair

The 1905 Lewis and Clark Exposition and Oriental Fair in Portland was illuminated at night by 100,000 lamps that outlined the graceful fair buildings, streets, …

Oregon History Project
Nightshift Arrives Portland Shipbuilding

Nightshift Arrives Portland Shipbuilding

During World War II, up to 125,000 people worked in around-the-clock shifts at shipyards in Portland and Vancouver, Washington. This photograph, taken by Ray Atkeson, …

Oregon History Project
Northern Spotted Owl

Northern Spotted Owl

This photograph was taken by a U.S. Fish and Wildlife photographer around 2002. It shows a northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) perched …

Oregon History Project

Interpretive Essays

Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.