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854 results

News Article, Smith Blasts At New Deal

News Article, Smith Blasts At New Deal

“Sell-outs” and “Mickey Mouse hypocrites,” were only a few of the scathing remarks directed at Oregon Townsend Club members during an October 1936 speech by Louisiana native, and …

Oregon History Project
News Article, Spontaneous Combustion

News Article, Spontaneous Combustion

This editorial was published in the Daily Morning Astorian on May 5, 1896. It is a response by John T. Lighter, the editor of the …

Oregon History Project
News Article, Stage Robbery

News Article, Stage Robbery

In the summer of 1868, John Hailey's Pioneer Stage Line made three trips daily between Boise City and Umatilla, often hauling Wells Fargo treasure boxes …

Oregon History Project
News Article, State May Limit Woman's Work

News Article, State May Limit Woman's Work

This Oregonian article announced the United States Supreme Court’s opinion in the Muller v. Oregon case. It described the Court’s decision to uphold an Oregon …

Oregon History Project
News Article, The Chinese Murderers

News Article, The Chinese Murderers

This newspaper article was originally published in the Wallowa Signal and later reprinted in the Union Oregon Scout on April 20, 1888. It describes one …

Oregon History Project
News Article, The Cincinnatus of Oregon

News Article, The Cincinnatus of Oregon

This newspaper article was published in the Weekly Oregonian on July 15, 1898. It offers a detailed account of the life and personality of Theodore …

Oregon History Project
News Article, The Treaty for Sale of Lands

News Article, The Treaty for Sale of Lands

The Table Rock Treaty was negotiated between the United States and several groups of Rogue River Indians in September 1853. Gold had been discovered just …

Oregon History Project
News Article, The Up-River Murder

News Article, The Up-River Murder

This article, published in the Daily Morning Astorian on May 24, 1896, describes an incident that occurred during the 1896 fishermen’s strike on the lower …

Oregon History Project
News Article, Timber Valuation Rises

News Article, Timber Valuation Rises

This article from the June 18, 1913, Oregonian refers to timber companies and speculators “cruising” forests to assess their value for possible purchase. Timber speculators …

Oregon History Project
News Editorial, A Disgusting Spectacle

News Editorial, A Disgusting Spectacle

This 1909 Oregonian editorial expresses a contemptuous and biting reaction to the much-publicized marriage plans of Gungiro Aoki, Japanese, and Helen Gladys Emery, white. Having …

Oregon History Project

Interpretive Essays

Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.