138 results
National Election Ticket, California, 1864
This election ticket from California is from the 1864 presidential election, when Republican incumbent President Abraham Lincoln faced Democratic challenger Gen. George B. McClellan—Lincoln’s former …Negotiating the Surrender
This sketch by Guy Howard depicts a scene from the surrender of Nez Perce Indians (Nimi’ipuu) to the U.S. Army in early October 1877. Guy …New Odessa Colony
In 1958, Theodore M. Swett answered a questionnaire from the Jewish Institute of Religion at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. In one portion, Swett detailed …New Recruits, Forest Grove Indian School, 1881
This group of children from the Spokane tribe was recruited to attend the Forest Grove Indian and Industrial Training School in 1881 as part of …News Article, Stage Robbery
In the summer of 1868, John Hailey's Pioneer Stage Line made three trips daily between Boise City and Umatilla, often hauling Wells Fargo treasure boxes …News Article, The Treaty for Sale of Lands
The Table Rock Treaty was negotiated between the United States and several groups of Rogue River Indians in September 1853. Gold had been discovered just …News Editorial, A Prosperous Future
This 1877 West Shore editorial, reprinted from Portland Oregonian, predicts that more immigration into eastern Oregon will result in more agricultural development and an …News Editorial, Indian Treaties
The end of the treaty system in 1871 marked an important shift in the United States’ policy towards Indians. Since its founding the U.S. had negotiated …News Editorial, School Matters Again
This editorial by Oregonian editor Harvey W. Scott appeared in the newspaper on February 16, 1880. In it, he criticized the public school system in …Oregon Cavalry Volunteers Uniform
This uniform, belonging to Col. Thomas R. Cornelius of Company “D,” First Regiment in the Oregon Cavalry Volunteers, is representative of those worn by soldiers …Interpretive Essays
Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.