138 results
Brouillet's Account of the Murder of Dr. Whitman
In 1869 Jean Baptiste Brouillet, a French Canadian Catholic missionary to Oregon, published the Authentic Account of the Murder of Dr. Whitman and Other Missionaries …Camp Day, 1860
This photograph by U.S. Army Lt. Lorenzo Lorain provides a striking view of Camp Day, a temporary encampment in the Klamath Basin used by the …Cape Horn, Columbia River by Carleton Watkins
This photograph of Cape Horn on the Washington side of the Columbia River was taken by the famed photographer Carleton E. Watkins in 1867. Cape …Captain John Couch & Caroline Flanders Couch
After making three voyages from New England to the Pacific Coast between 1840 and 1845, Captain John H. Couch became convinced that Portland’s deepwater location …Carved Wood Mortar
This wooden mortar is of Wasco or Wishram design. Prior to moving to the Warm Springs Reservation, the closely related Wasco and Wishram peoples lived on …Cassino, Chinookan Headman, 1846
This 1859 reproduction of an 1846 sketch by Paul Kane depicts the Chinookan headman Cassino (pronounced káss-i-no), an important figure in the early history …Census of Indians in Eastern Oregon, 1865
This 1865 document is an excerpt from the annual report of Oregon’s Superintendent of Indian Affairs, J.W. Perit Huntington. It includes a partial census of …Central School
Civic leaders demonstrated their commitment to an educated populace by opening Central School, shown here in 1858, and located originally at Southwest Sixth and Morrison. …Chief Joseph's Own Story
This excerpt is from a pamphlet titled “Chief Joseph’s Story,” a reprint of a speech which was transcribed and published in the April 1879 edition …Circular, An Appeal to the Citizens of Portland
This circular from December 1871 advertised the efforts of the Ladies’ Relief Society to collect three thousand dollars for the construction of a shelter to …Interpretive Essays
Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.